This time, Newey shared a bit about his background and what initially inspired him to pursue photography. “My journey into photography began 23 years ago when my girlfriend at the time decided to sign us both up for a short photography course, one evening a week. After a couple of weeks she got bored with it, whereas I got totally addicted right from the start. After a couple of years, the relationship came to an end, so I decided to put all the theory work into practice by hitting the road for a year-long trip around the world to kickstart my portfolio. Fortunately, I was able to sell enough photos from that trip to fund the next one. And so it continued.”
Andrew continued, explaining that his initial inspiration to pursue this art form came from a desire to create something on his own. He elaborated: “A few years earlier, I was playing drums in a band, but the creativity was always shared between the other band members, which often led to disagreements. I figured that with photography there would be none of that—I would be in total control of every aspect of the process.
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