
For one reason or another, many people feel the need to edit their pictures before uploading them online. And when they do, they might get carried away with their tools, usually resulting in pics that are worse than the original.

If you’ve seen some of such examples of editing-gone-wrong, you probably know that they can look quite creepy. They can also be hilarious. Today you get to judge which are which for yourself, as on the list below we have gathered quite a few examples of people overediting their pictures. Scroll down to find them, make sure to upvote your favorites—the best of the worst—and go to the comments section to share what you think of picture editing – yay or nay?

Below, you will also find Bored Panda’s interview with adjunct professor of psychiatry and expert in dealing with body image issues, Dr. Cortney S. Warren, who was kind enough to answer a few of our questions about coping with negative thoughts and negative comments regarding our looks


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