
 flipboard This time, Newey shared a bit about his background and what initially inspired him to pursue photography. “My journey into photography began 23 years ago when my girlfriend at the time decided to sign us both up for a short photography course, one evening a week. After a couple of weeks she got bored with it, whereas I got totally addicted right from the start. After a couple of years, the relationship came to an end, so I decided to put all the theory work into practice by hitting the road for a year-long trip around the world to kickstart my portfolio. Fortunately, I was able to sell enough photos from that trip to fund the next one. And so it continued.” Andrew continued, explaining that his initial inspiration to pursue this art form came from a desire to create something on his own. He elaborated: “A few years earlier, I was playing drums in a band, but the creativity was always shared between the o...
 linkedin For one reason or another, many people feel the need to  edit their pictures  before uploading them online. And when they do, they might get carried away with their tools, usually resulting in pics that are worse than the original. If you’ve seen some of such examples of editing-gone-wrong, you probably know that they can look quite creepy. They can also be  hilarious . Today you get to judge which are which for yourself, as on the list below we have gathered quite a few examples of people overediting their pictures. Scroll down to find them, make sure to upvote your favorites—the best of the worst—and go to the comments section to share what you think of picture editing – yay or nay? Below, you will also find  Bored Panda’s  interview with adjunct professor of psychiatry and expert in dealing with body image issues,  Dr. Cortney S. Warren , who was kind enough to answer a few of our questions about coping with negative thoughts and negative ...
 medium We often divide food into two extremes. Good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, safe or dangerous. We praise ourselves for eating the so-called “good” foods and punish ourselves for indulging in the “bad” ones, thinking it’s the only way to stay in shape. We think that this kind of discipline will keep us  healthy  and add years to our lives. But in reality, this all-or-nothing approach does more harm than good The idea of labeling food as good or bad stems from diet culture  which isn’t as much about health as it is about being thin and about dreaming of lower numbers on the scale. And in the pursuit of those numbers, many people go to extremes, cutting out every “unhealthy” food as if eating a slice of cake on their own birthday is some kind of failure
 parler The page may contain loads of animals photographed from weird angles or captured in some  compromising positions , but there are also pics of them acting weirder than we would expect. In fact, animals do some pretty strange things, and I'm not just talking about your dog giving you the side-eye. For example, did you know that sloths, who spend most of their waking time up in the trees, go to relieve themselves on the ground? And how about the fact that owls can't move their eyes? Let's explore these and more interesting things that  animals  do that we might find at least a tad strange. g The fact that sloths  go down to the ground to poop  is strange for at least two reasons. First, there are more predators down there, so the trip to take a poop only can be quite dangerous. Second, sloths have very slow metabolisms and only eat leaves, so they use up a lot of energy by going down to the rainforest ground
flipboard Going to work for many is becoming like going to school when we were kids: fewer and fewer people are excited to do it. In a 2024 poll, 12% of all Americans  said  they were not satisfied with their jobs. And while going to work may not make them cry per se, they're still hardly happy. There's a page on Instagram called  Employee Tears  that collects  relatable memes  about what it's like to not like your job very much. "My dream job is not having one," they proclaim in their bio. If you feel the same, check out the  funniest pics  from their account that might make you cry – but, hopefully, not out of sadness. To know more about how we can deal with excessive stress at work,  Bored Panda  reached out to a  trauma and relationship therapist, Ioana Rotaru . She told us how people can differentiate between normal work-related stress and burnout, how to create better boundaries between work and personal life, and she gave our...